Master in "Global change"

Climatology - Surface Processes - Human Dimension

Jean-Marie Beckers works on Physical Oceanography and belongs to the GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research group. Publications - Email

Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari worked on surface processes in relation to climate and incremental deformation by earthquakes. She belongs to the Geomorphology and Quaternary Research Group. Publications - Email

Alain Demoulin works on technic geomorphology and belongs to the Geomorphology and Quaternary Research Group. Publications - Email

Emmanuel Mahieu works on atmospheric modelling and atmospheric composition change. He is head of Infrared Group of Atmospheric and Solar Physics. Publications - Email

Xavier Fettweis works on climate modelling and is the head of the Laboratory of Climatology. Publications - Email

Guy Munhoven is a modeller working on global carbon changes. He is part of the Laboratory for Planetary and Atmospheric Physics. Publications - Email

Louis François works on climate and vegetation modelling and is part of the Unit for Modelling of Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles. Publications - Email

Pierre Ozer is a geographer working on natural risk and environmental change. He is the scientific coordinator of the Hugo Observatory. Publications - Email

François Gemenne works on Environmental geopolitics and migration dynamics and is head of the Hugo Observatory. Publications - Email

Bernard Tychon is a specialist in agrometeorology and is head of the Water-Environment-Development team in Arlon. Publications - Email

Jean-Marie Halleux works on Economic Geography and is head of the Economic Geography unit, and President of the Research Centre on Territorial, Urban and Rural Sciences

(Lepur). Publications - Email

Matthias Vanmaercke works on understanding geomorphologic processes at regional and continental scale and on the related societal impacts. He is part of the Geomorphology and Quaternary Research Group. Publications - Email

Geoffrey Houbrechts works on fluvial geomorphology and is head of the Laboratory of Hydrology and fluvial Geomorphology. Publications - Email

Caroline Zickgraf is a researcher in political and social sciences working on links between climate change and migration. She belongs to the Hugo Observatory. Publications - Email